Community News

We hope you’re well and enjoying the summer weather! There are a few updates we would like to inform you of regarding BCAO events:

Bharatiya Culture is hosting daily yoga sessions on Zoom on Monday – Friday from 6-7 PM and Saturday/Sunday from 9-10 AM and we encourage everyone to join. Staying active is beneficial for everyone; you can follow along with the guided sessions and learn more about how to heal your body naturally through exercise and breathing exercises. To join these Yoga sessions or for more information about them please call Jitubhai – 416 668 9162, Pranavbhai – 647 289 5584, Navnitbhai – 416 899 4875, or join with the link below.

Bharatiya Culture is also now hosting biweekly Seniors Zoom sessions on Sundays from 3-5 PM. These Zoom Sessions will educate Seniors on different topics, and have a variety of activities where seniors can share their thoughts or a song with the group. 

Event hosts will help seniors learn how to use Zoom but we highly encourage you to help the seniors in your home with their set-up and learning the controls. 

To join these Seniors sessions or for more information, please call Dahyabhai – 647 624 6745, Girishbhai – 647 766 2842, or join with the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 279 045 9147

Password: 202020

Remember to stay healthy and stay safe!

For any questions, comment, or concerns please call: 

Harshadkumar M Patel905-653-40466

Jitendrakumar Patel416-668-9162


In case your address or phone number has been changed you can now email us at